Thursday, June 18, 2015

For the love of learning

I am reading a book called for the love of learning. Giving your children a lolipop education.
I am somewhat conflicted with what she is saying. It might be because I am not completely in the homeschool frame of mind yet. I want to know and make sure my child is at least up to par with the state standards. While I do agree with most of what she is saying I'm just not completely there yet nor I'm not sure if I ever will be.
One thing she says is to let your child learn on his own when he is ready. While I do agree we as a society push our children into learning way to soon. I don't want to be so relaxed that my child is behind. As I read this book I think to myself, well maybe I'm still in the mind frame of public school thinking and as I am teaching my son I will learn and understand more of what she is talking about.
I know I pushed my son when he was little. I taught him his alphabets so early and made sure he was always ahead. I now kind of regret doing that. Looking back I think to myself that I could have/should have been just enjoying him more often. I had the experience of teaching him preschool, which was awesome!! But that is when I should have started to implement those things instead of earlier and as a society/parent we judge ourselves on what other kids know compared to our kids. I will not do this with my girl. I will play learning games with her but I will not force it. I will wait until she is ready to learn. (Preschool/kindergarten)
I also feel like what is going on with sticking our kids in preschool for a couple years before kindergarten. Is it for social reasons? Is it for daycare? Is it because our child HAS to be the first one to know everything? As I'm reading all these books they say that your child's brain isn't even fully mature or ready to learn until 7 or 8 years old. I had no idea about this until I started researching homeschooling. In Nevada we aren't even required to send our kids to kindergarten! So why are we pushing preschool at such an early age and why did I not know this?! Haha!
I guess for now, I will just go with what I feel is best for my son. I think I'm still in the mind frame of half public, half homeschooling the lolipop way :)
That is perfectly ok!!

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